Margo Williams is a wife, mother, educator, author, missionary, coach, and preacher dedicated to helping people develop resilient and meaningful relationships personally, socially, spiritually, and professionally. She is a woman who describes herself as being independent, spunky, and passionate about life. Presently, Margo will think about her younger years and laugh as she thinks about God’s sense of humor. She says she was often criticized and ridiculed for having a different perspective than her peers, family, and friends, so she learned to be quiet and observant. As a result of growing in her faith, she gained the assurance to speak the truth without reservation recognizing that God was speaking through her. Today, Margo has 30 years of public speaking experience, teaching biblical principles to other business owners across the nation. Looking back, Margo realizes that God used their business platform to validate the importance of her words to the masses.
Margo’s desire for God’s investment of her life is to produce a significant return of souls living for Christ on earth. Whether she is teaching, counseling, praying, writing or preaching, Margo has a single focus in mind: present the gospel as the Truth, with relevant simplicity and godly grace. Margo was saved at nine years old and spent her teen and college years as a “lukewarm” believer; not fully surrendered to the leading of Holy Spirit. During this time, she describes her inability to gain peace which underscored her decisions in life. In God’s hands, shortly after marrying she rededicated her life to the Lord and began a quest to truly “know Him and make Him known” to others. Due to her inconsistent walk with Christ while she was younger, she feels especially drawn to minister to believers who are seeking deliverance, healing, hope, peace through the word of God.

What I Do
I am a Kingdom woman who is devoted to transforming lives for the glory of God. I am an author, educator, life coach, consultant, missionary and preacher. For over 30 years my life has been spent studying, evangelizing, teaching, and training others to live in their spiritual authority in Jesus Christ. I am uniquely called to “uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and to plant.” My research and practice is centered around behavior and biblical models of relationship with God, self and others. I specialize in conflict resolution, relational stewardship, courage, reconciliation, and the power of grace for living. After many years of helping people resolve issues that have hindered them from experiencing harmonious relationships, I authored Petty Pain: Understanding the Assignment of Offense.
Statement of
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of His supernatural revelation of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without any errors in its teachings.
1. All men in their natural state are lost, alienated from God, spiritually dead: "All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
2. Salvation is only by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the Lord Jesus, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3; Ephesians 2:8).
3. God is One God, Who reveals Himself in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, as the Scriptures affirm, is the Son of God and Son of man. He was born of a virgin and is Himself very God. (John 1:1-18; Matthew 28:18-20).
4. Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead in the same body that was laid to rest in the tomb (John 20:25-27).
5. Christians, born of the Spirit, are to live the new life in the present power of the Spirit. "If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk" (Galatians 5:16-25; Col. 2:6).
6. Christian "living" includes Christian service, the winning of souls around us, and the preaching of the Gospel in the uttermost parts of the earth. In carrying on this work there is needed the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit which is granted to every believer as he yields and trusts (Acts 1:8;
ICorinthians 12:7; Ephesians 3:20; Acts 5:32).
7. Jesus Christ will come again to earth the second time and we do not know the exact time (Mattt 24:42-44). In the meantime, we are to live with an expectation of His return at any time. Therefore, we must be ready (Titus 2: 12-13; 2 Peter 3:10).

Speaking Topics
As Margo journey's through life she has discovered her passions for writing, speaking and ministering have taken her to diverse people in several states and abroad. It is an honor to help you, your team, organization, or attendees:
Position to transition
Disagree without being disrespectful
Overcome Intimidation
Identify and overcome barriers to good communication
Provide a safe partnership to examine your relationships
Discover your best self
Become a more effective leader
Turn bitterness into productivity
Confidently use your voice
Grow closer to God