Graceful fire, LLC.
Welcome to Graceful Fire, the home of all things RELATIONAL. Our business seeks to offer opportunities for transformation in the personal, social, professional and church aspect of people’s lives. Through the tools of coaching, empowerment sessions, leadership development, and customized consulting, the belief is that any relationship can be strengthened and improved. As a result, change occurs in the lives of individuals, families, communities, & organizations across the globe.
Our clients are challenged in safe, supportive, and confidential environments to explore the workings of their inner selves. We aim to IGNITE a FIRE to BURN AWAY any obstacle that hinders you from moving forward and living your PASSION.

Core Values

What They Say!

That's what the scripture says, But what does it mean?

Recent Blogs
This blog is designed to be a place where you can learn and build upon what you already know about God. The posts are intentionally formatted by taking the scripture and connecting it to our daily lives, so that you will encounter a deeper and more meaningful walk. As you read, study and pray, the Lord will provide opportunities for you to “draw from the well” and put into action what you have been learning. Many today are looking for someone to pour fresh water on the dry places in their lives.